Adelaide is Australia’s best kept secret.
Yep you heard me right, Radelaide -as we like to call it in Melbourne – is happening.
To understand Adelaide you firstly need to know its history. Adelaide was historically a manufacturing town. The death of manufacturing in Australia was leading to the slow death of Adelaide.
South Australians have been lucky in that they have had the same government in power for the past 15 years. What this has allowed the state to do is drive long term and effective change. South Australia came up with 3 priorities for the state that would carry it into the future;
- Healthcare
- Education
- Renewable energy
When I look at the future this is where I see it heading. We have an ageing population, 1 in 5 people is forecasted to work in healthcare, one of largest exports is education and after personally having just coming back from Europe it is baffling how far behind Australia is on the renewables front.
When I then look at the numbers that support the vision that the Adelaide State Government has – I get excited.
Looking at key major investments:
- $12.1 billion dollars in infrastructure projects by the state government
- An additional $2 billion in federal government infrastructure
- $1 billion upgrade of the Osborne shipyard creating 15,000 additional jobs
- $1 billion is being spent to develop the old hospital site in to hotel, apartments and shopping precinct
- Aldi has made SA growth a priority with 10 stores being built this year and additional 50 stores planned after that
- $730 million dollar upgrade to the casino and convention centre
China is a massive part of Australia’s future and Adelaide is forging a strong relationship with them:
- There are now flights directly from Guangzhou to Adelaide
- Port Adelaide Football Club is playing some of its home games in China
- China is our largest Education export market
- Flinders University in SA is ranked in the top 2% of Global Universities and has 3 campuses in Adelaide
Looking at healthcare:
- Adelaide has spent $2.3 billion dollars on the world’s third most expensive building
- Tonsley Flinders Campus launched a new digital health research centre and innovative hub this year which promises world class research moving forward
- This has created a huge medical industry boost in the state
Finally renewables
- Elon Musk and Tesla have just built the world’s biggest battery power plant in South Australia
- The South Australian Government is putting solar and Tesla power walls into 50,000 homes
- South Australia is becoming a manufacturer of battery storage and components to the world
- South Australia will go 75% renewable energy in the coming years
All of this innovation has led to Fairfax declaring Adelaide as Australia’s San Francisco, a testament to their forward thinking agenda.
I haven’t even started on tourism and events in Adelaide. In the last few months alone, Adelaide has hosted the Tour Down Under (Australia’s International Cycling Event), The Adelaide Fringe Festival and the Clipsal 500. Every time I go to Adelaide there is a different event happening, so much for sleepy old Radelaide!
In the words of our Prime Minister: jobs & growth, jobs & growth.
On top of all this extensive growth to come, the best part is that you can buy a 4-bedroom, 2 –bathroom, double lock up garage, on a big block of land with 2.3 kids and a dog for $395,000 with a circa 5% rental yield!
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