Who are the Custodians?

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Our Clients

Property Investment Success Stories

“Well, get informed, that was the big thing for us. We didn't understand. The more we learned, the more we decided to act on it. So, that's number one. The more I read, the more I attended John's seminars, I could see his integrity and basically check out what he has to offer, a proven system. So, that's what we did.” - MARGARET WACHNIK
Magaret - A custodian client - is talking about how she learn to build wealth from John and Custodain
Mark and Margaret own their own home and have built a property investment portfolio of 12 investment properties in just ten years.
> Occupations: Self-employed (commercial office fit-outs) > Age: 50 & 44 > Family: Two teenage boys, 11 & 15 > Began investing in residential property (year): 2000 > Number of houses you own (including principal place of residence): 13

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Custodian to me is a system, a proven system; one that gives people, working people like you and me, the opportunity to do something extraordinary. So for me, Custodian is a group of property investment professionals of Australia that I would otherwise have to go and recruit myself.”- HEINER
Heiner Karst - one of Custodian's clients - is talking about his happy experience with Custodian
Heiner-and-Karin - Custodian long-term customers
Heiner and Karin own their own home and they built a property portfolio of six investment properties between 2001 and 2004. They are currently reviewing their portfolio and goals.
> Heiner: Executive Coach > Karin: Small Business Administration > Age: Both 59 > Family: 3 adult children > Began investing in residential property (year): 2001 > Property portfolio value (including principal place of residence): Approx $3.5 million > Number of houses you own (including principal place of residence): 7

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Investing in Real Estate has given us choices: we won’t be retiring on the pension. We’re really looking forward to it.” - KERRY BISHOP
KERRY BISHOP - Custodian customer
The bishops - custodian clients
Steve and Kerry own seven investment properties. They recently sold their family home in Maitland, NSW and are renting while their dream home is being built on the shores of Lake Macquarie.
> Steve: Mining Equipment Operator / Trainer > Kerry: Mining Equipment Operator > Age: 52 & 55 > Family: 3 adult daughters & 4 grandchildren > Began investing in residential property: 1999 > Property portfolio value (including principal place of residence): $4.1 million > Number of houses you own (including principal place of residence): 7 houses plus a vacant block of land

Paul Benson


“I first read this book in 2001 and used it since to build a property portfolio of 12 houses (my children in their mid-20s also have 2 properties). The book provides expert insight and cuts through all the misinformation out there; it delivers simple steps anyone can follow to secure financial freedom and enjoy life to the fullest. I recommend you use this easy-to-read book to educate your children on how to get ahead, no matter where you or they start from. I highly recommend this life changing book as it will really change the way you look at investment and what is possible.”   - from Paul Benson in Melbourne.
photo by Darkina-9189